Excelsiors Move Ever Upward

Come Join Majors Community Of Excelsiors

{{22nd Feb 2022}}

Excel in any walk of life that you take up

Excelsior is a Latin word that means "ever upward". Stan Lee, the famous cartoonist who created marvel super cartoon characters such as spiderman and cat woman chose "excelsior" as his personal motto. Through his characters Stan Lee and his personal motto excelsior, he endeavored to promote values such as equality, patriotism and fairness. Stan Lee's cartoon characters have a purpose for their lives and worked to contribute positively to society.

  Majors has conceived this inhouse community called "Excelsiors" to bring together individuals interested in working for the betterment of the society by constantly improving themselves and the people around them, individuals interested in competing with their own selves and improving themselves every day, in other words, those who believe in excelling in whatever they take up.

If you are interested in joining the Majors community of excelsior write to excelsiors@majors.life or call +91 63006 57008 

{{Madhukar Katragadda}}
The Founder & CEO of Majors

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